Company Searches

from $132 (GST inclusive)

Documentation of the current status of your company can be obtained instantly. This can be provided in the form of current information only or with complete details on Officeholders, Members and addresses since incorporation. We are also able to obtain copies of all documents lodged with ASIC for the life of your company - instantly for documents lodged since 1991. For documents lodged after 1991, it can take up to 4 weeks.

Some of the organisation types that can be searched include:

  • Companies
  • Business names
  • Registered bodies
  • Foreign companies
  • Associations
  • Managed investment schemes
  • Non-registered entities



What type of Searches are available?

ASIC search documents for subject matter requested. These can include:

  • Current and historical company extract
  • Current and historical business name extract
  • Person Search
  • Certified copy of Certificate of Registration
  • Copy of Documents (Document Image)
  • Uplift of Memorandum & Articles of Association (M&As) lodged prior to 1991



How long does a Company Search take?

For ASIC extracts or searches, XYZ Accounting can perform the search and email the document to you within 24 hours. Orders for a copy of Certificate of Registration will be obtained from ASIC the following business day and posted to you overnight.

ASIC document uplifts (any forms or Memorandum & Articles of Association dated prior to 1991) can take up to 4 weeks as ASIC must uplift these documents from their microfiche system before they can provide them to XYZ Accounting. Upon receipt of the documents from ASIC, XYZ Accounting will post these documents to you the next business day.

How to Order

Order Company Seaches online

Order Company Searches by fax/ email